Teaching Units
We want to help secondary teachers address pressing global social issues through the arts because we know how personally and professionally challenging these topics can be to teach. We developed these teaching units based on extensive research, teaching experience, and personal reflection. Please take the time to review them yourselves and with your colleagues and to notice how they make you think and feel.
These units are structured enough to follow closely yet flexible enough to adapt to fit the needs and dynamics of your classroom. We want to spark imagination, and encourage you to use these learning experiences creatively!
Years 9-13
Decolonising Thinking, Being and Relating
A teaching unit on challenging colonial legacies and imagining decolonial futures
Global Citizenship from a Māori Perspective
A teaching unit on understanding, knowing and acting as global citizens from a Māori perspective

After you’ve used these resources, please contact us and tell us how they worked. We’d love to hear from you!